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rottweiler beaten

Rottweiler Beaten

rottweiler beaten
Rottweiler beaten

In San Bernardino, a Rancho Cucamonga man who is suspect of lethally beating a Rottweiler a week ago and dragging the dog on a rope argued not blameworthy to the charges Monday at arraignment processes.

Christopher Munoz, 27, argued not liable to two lawful offense tallies of cruelty to an animal and one misdemeanor count of cruelty in transporting an animal before Commissioner Ronald J. Gilbert in West Valley Superior Court, as per court records.

The District Attorney’s Office recorded the charges Friday in a criminal protestation in West Valley Superior Court. Munoz was charged through a feature join from district penitentiary.

Gilbert named the Public Defender’s Office to speak to Munoz and conceded an indictment movement to expand the respondent’s safeguard.

“My contention was that he was a risk to society and a threat to the general population,” said Deputy District Attorney Debbie Ploghaus of the safeguard increment. Ploghaus said she built her contention in light of the respondent’s activities to the puppy, a witness and before a youngster.

Munoz is being held in lieu of $200,000 safeguard at West Valley Detention Center, in Rancho Cucamonga, as per prosecutors and court records.

A preparatory hearing was planned for April 18. Munoz comes back to court Thursday to affirm whether he is prepared for the preparatory hearing.

At a preparatory listening to, a judge will listen to witness affirmation and audit proof to figure out whether sufficient reasonable justification exists to hold over the litigant for trial on the charges.

Appointees reacted to a call at 4 p.m. Wednesday from a crazy witness who reported seeing the rottweiler beaten in the recreation center close to Terra Vista Parkway and Langham Place, as per a sheriff’s news discharge.

The witness reported the man was dragging and kicking a rottweiler on a rope. The rottweiler beaten was then followed by the man stacking the rottweiler into a stroller before he and the canine went into the Terra Vista Apartments in the 10900 piece of Terra Vista Parkway. The man declined to leave a loft or give the canine medicinal consideration, as per sheriff’s officials.Munoz surrendered in the blink of an eye from that point, and his rottweiler was quickly taken for consideration by animal control. The rottweiler passed away not even an hour later.

On the off chance that declared guilty the charges at trial, Munoz could confront a most extreme of three years and eight months in state jail, say prosecutors.

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One comment

  1. He needs maximum sentence in jail and not allowed any annals in the future. This guyay be a future killer if he is capable of doing this to an animal