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Rottweiler Events

Rottweiler Events for 2015

United Rottweiler Klub of Ontario

RKNA Breed Show & SE

May 16-17

Judge: Dr. Peter Friederich (ADRK & President)

Contact: Suzanne Sleczkowski (Phone: 705-426-5607 | Email: info@urko.ca

Passport and current rabies certificate required to enter Canada

united rottweiler klub of ontario-rottweiler events


Smoky Mountain Working Rottweiler Klub

2 Breed Show & Standard Evaluation

May 29, 30, 31

Judges: Willem Peters (FCI-The Netherlands) and John Bernard (RKNA-USA)

Contact: Renee Massengill (Phone: 865-232-5036 | Email: royrott01@aol.com)

smoky mountain working rottweiler klub--rottweiler events


Central Ontario Rottweiler Klub

Breed Show, SE & Ztp

June 6-7

Judge: Claudia Wolf-Meixner (ADRK)

Contact: Brenda Burggraf (Email: konigliche@gmail.com

central ontario rottweiler klub-rottweiler events


Victoria Rottweiler Club

IPO Workshop with Joel Monroe

September 16, 17, 18

IPO Trial-September 19

Judge: Dr. Peter Friederich (ADRK & President of VDH)

Breed Show, SE & Ztp-September 20

Judge: Dr. Peter Friederich (ADRK & President of VDH)

Contact: Jane Mitchelmore (Phone: 250-888-0106 | Email: editor@totalrottweilermagazine.com)

victoria rottweiler club-rottweiler events


South Coast Rottweiler Club

RKNA Klub Sieger Show, Ztp & K?rung

October 24-25

Judge: Edgar Hellmann (ADRK Head Breed Warden)

Contact: Juwan Hurd (Phone: 626-848-2542 | Email: jhurd@southcoastrc.com)

southcoast rottweiler club-rottweiler events


Rottweiler Klub of NE Ohio

RKNA Breed Show, Ztp & SE

October 3-4

Judge: John Bernard (RKNA)

Contact: Skip Morgart (Phone: 330-798-1672 | Email: skipmorgart@aol.com)

rottweiler klub of ne ohio-rottweiler events


Las Vegas Runnin’ Rottweiler Klub

RKNA Meisterschaft (IPO Championships)

November 7-8

Judge: Peter Grube (ADRK)

Contact: Charlie Hansen (Phone: 702-604-0878 | Email: vomvegasrottweilers@yahoo.com)

las vegas runnin rottweiler klub-rottweiler events


South Florida Rottweiler Klub

Breed Show, Ztp & SE

February, 2016

Judges: ADRK Judge + FCI Judge to be announced

Contact: Boban Franeta (Phone: 305-482-3052 | Email: Franetab@gmail.com)

southwest florida rottweiler klub-rottweiler events


Las Vegas Runnin’ Rebel Rottweiler Klub

Show, Trial, & Breed Surveys

November 6-7, 2016

Judges: Anton Spindler (ADRK)

Contact: Charlie Hansen (Phone: 702-604-0878 | Email: vomvegasrottweilers@yahoo.com)

las vegas runnin rottweiler klub


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